Westport Art Fair 2016
Westport Art Fair 2016 was off the charts awesome!!! @westportarts @Westport_kc @ProstateNetwork @doughnutlounge @seanmalto...
Trinity Temple Church of God Health Fair
Educating men on importance of early detection with so many of our wonderful survivors & supporters #StrongerTogether
Community Health Fair at Jamison Memorial Temple
Prostate Network is incredibly proud to have spent our day with the wonderful people from Jamison Memorial Temple, Bowers Memorial Temple...
Bethel SDA Church - Health Fair
It was an honor to be at the 1st and now 2nd annual health fair! Put us down now for 2017 #StrongerTogether
BBQ at EST Ministries
Great day, great people, great BBQ! Now that's a perfect plan for spreading our message. #StrongerTogether
55 Minutes of Sex, Drugs and Audience Partipation
ProstateNetwork survivor & advocate Howard Lieberman is donating his portion of proceeds on 7/29 to help us on our mission! ...
KC Chiefs & Prostate Network #StrongerTogether
10th Annual Kansas City Public Health & Safety Fair @ProstateNetwork @Chiefs @Arrowhead @KikiCurls @Hot103Jamz #StrongerTogether
Bhutanese Nepali Church - Health Fair
Caesar Blevins, "Prostate Network has world class stable of survivors / advocates!" Thank you Mike Mulcahy & Bob Hall for educating the...
#Moonshot #WeServer @ Gilda's Club KC
Prostate Network's Steve Hentzen helped facilitate Kansas City #Moonshot event #StrongerTogether Thank you @GildasClubKC @ProstateNetwork...
Prostate Cancer Doubles Shootout
Prostate Network loves what the wonderful people at Faith Hope Love Wins www.flhw.org is doing to fight #ProstateCancer. It was an honor...